Monday, February 10, 2014

Surgery Scheduled

Thanks to the generosity of many people, both friends and strangers, $1,300 has been received in donations!  Sammie's surgery is scheduled for February 11 at 7:30AM.

It is astounding to see so many people care about the plight of one dog.  This could not have been done without any of you.  Donations of $5, $8, $10, $15 really do add up.  Many compassionate people gave out of what they could give and through doing so, we will be able to save a life!

If you happen to live in Ohio, we want to let you know of a piece of legislation which can help increase penalties for animals such as Sammie who are abused and neglected.   HB 274 was referred to the Ohio Senate Agriculture Committee on 2/4/14.  Showing support for this bill will help prevent more animals from suffering. 

A local new channel did a feature on abuse and the Ohio law.  They do an excellent job of explaining things.  We ask you to share - and not just once. Share it twice a week for a few weeks. Spreading the word is how we can get this bill passed into law.

We ask you to contact your senator and let them know you support this legislation.  Simply enter in your zip code to get the contact info. You can email them, write them a letter, or even call.

If you are on Twitter, it's pretty easy to send a message to the Agriculture Committee via tweet:

@Troy_BaldersonTroy Balderson
@SenLouGentileLou Gentile
@BurkeForOhioDave Burke
@senatorcapriCapri Cafaro
@FrankLaRoseFrank Larose
@GayleManningOHGayle Manning
@bobforohioBob Peterson

The senators don't get a lot of tweets, so it's has the potential to make a little bigger impact than usual.

We hope to save Sammie's life as well as keep other animals safe!!  Thank you again!